Marketing 与out Social Media - CWEVT - Virtual

07-16-2024 9:00 AM - 07-16-2024 10:30 AM

在这个90分钟的研讨会上, 反资本主义商业教练, 艾米丽等, will walk you through 5 tangible strategies for marketing and growing your business outside of social media.


What if you could run your radical small business without creating endless content for social media? 这真的可能吗?

What if you could still get new clients and grow your values-based business without doing Instagram (and TikTok, and X, and Facebook, and LinkedIn, and...??)? 

You deserve a marketing strategy that honors you and the folks you sell to as whole human beings. Register to attend this workshop and get marketing in a way that doesn't immediately crush your soul!

空间有限!  If you are no longer able to attend the class, please reach out to us so someone else can take your spot.

Registration and more information may be found here.


教练: 艾米丽等 is a facilitator, speaker, 反资本主义商业教练, caregiver, and carpenter. Emily's mission is to support women-owned businesses, BIPOC-owned企业, queer-owned企业, and other folks from marginalized communities to generate social and ecological value, 不管有没有经济回报. Emily believes we all 有 needs and we all deserve to 有 those needs met. 艾米丽擅长道德营销, 可持续发展的销售, and supporting values-based business through an anti-capitalist approach.




Zoom Link在注册时共享! 




CWE is pleased to offer a 滑动 scale pricing system across our region. You choose to pay what feels right to you, no questions asked.We 移动d 远离奖学金模式 滑动 薪级表模型 为了… bring more equity into our pricing model. We know that scholarship applications rarely reflect the true economic situation of our clients and that as our client, you are 最好的 法官 你的经济状况. We trust you to make the choice that best reflects your ability to pay.  

We encourage you to use this as an opportunity to take stock of your financial resources, your 特权 and how that has affected your ability to pay. Some things that might make you consider 在我们的规模上支付更少 包括; carrying significant debt, caring for dependents (children, parents, 家庭成员, ), experiencing discrimination in hiring, 成为会员 of 历史上被边缘化的群体, or being eligible for public assistance. Some things that might make you consider paying more on our scale 包括:home ownership, expendable income, family wealth, or高等教育. 也就是说,不要想太多, choose the level that resonates with you.  

What matters most to us is your active participation in the CWE community and feedback on your experience.   

Please note that you 有 72 hours to complete your payment.  After that time, we cannot guarantee your spot in the class.


  • 你可以选择 支持社区 票水平 if you are having trouble making ends meet, 接受公共援助 or 参与安全网计划; 是资源伙伴, or feel you could not participate at another 票水平.  

  • 你可以选择 扰乱行业 票水平 如果你在 形成或 start up stage of your business and are starting to make sales, if you are meeting your basic financial needs, or if you feel like you are able to support CWE’s mission 以这个票价. 

  • 你可以选择 波澜 票水平 if you are at a growth stage of your business, if you are meeting more than your basic financial needs, or if you feel like you are able to support CWE’s mission 以这个票价.  

  • 你可以选择 举起 世界 票水平 如果你在开发中 或扩张 业务阶段, you are meeting more than your basic financial needs, or if you feel like you are ready to give 到 CWE community in a way that allows us to offer these opportunities to all clients, 不管支付能力如何. 

If you are interested in donating to CWE in general, please see our donation page on our website: 

录音的政策 录音 will be available for 60 days after the original session. 您不允许录制音频, video or transcript of our trainings (inclusive of AI tools) without prior approval. If we see a recording or summarization tool in our virtual classroom without permission, we reserve the right to re移动 the tool from the space.

退款政策: Refunds will only be available for classes that are not recorded.  客户必须要求 a 退款 3个工作日提前 这个班的 和妇女中心 & 企业已 30 days from the date of the 退款 request to decide whether to grant the 退款 and to process it. Refunds for multiweek classes that 有 already started are at the disc中心的 导演.

特别的住宿: In accordance with the American Disabilities Act and state law, you may request accommodations due to a disability by contacting the event organizer listed above. Advance notice may be necessary for some accommodations. For classes that require payment, payment must be completed prior to requesting an accommodation. Please see contact details above to request and complete your request at least 5 business days before the start of class. 

Marketing 与out Social Media - CWEVT - Virtual